Covid Traffic Light Settings

31 March, 2022

Avoca Web Design Support Team

Ceol Aneas is following advice from NZ Ministry of Health to plan and run this event.

New Zealand uses a traffic light system to manage COVID risk. We will need to be at level orange or green for Ceol Aneas to go ahead.

Under Orange, there are no limits to indoor or outdoor crowd sizes. Face masks and vaccine passes are not required. (A session venue or business may continue to request passes. This would be beyond the control of Ceol Aneas.)

If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, we do ask you to help keep our community safe. If symptoms develop during the weekend of Ceol Aneas, please stay in your accommodation and call Healthline for advice. You may be eligible for a part or full refund of your registration fee if you are required to self-isolate during Ceol Aneas.”