Tutors for 2025
Our Tutors for 2025 are confirmed. Check them out under the tutor tab
Our Tutors for 2025 are confirmed. Check them out under the tutor tab
Was it good? We think so, but we need to check with you to see what worked and what could be improved. Please fill out our attendee survey to let us know what you thought. Your feedback is important to us as well as to you. Fill out the Feedback Form: https://forms.gle/7R296vrkaaxfuKbg7
Both Fiddle Classes are full. If you register for fiddle now, you’ll go onto a waiting list. There are still spaces in the other classes. REGISTER SOON, so that you don’t miss out :0)
We’ve locked in Jody Moran for the banjo / mandolin and Aine Gallagher for the singing and we’re close to naming the flute and piping tutors. The rest are sorted. It’s been a bit slow this year, but coming together nicely now :0)
We’re pleased to announce that we have 3 Tutors coming from Ireland this year. Sorcha Costello con Fiddle, Conor Connolly on Free Reed and Pádraig Ó Dubhghail on Guitar. Our other tutors are close to being announced. Ceol Aneas Committee
Great news! We’re extending early bird registrations. Make sure to register by 2nd May to get the early bird price of $150 ($75 for students). Schedule your payment through your bank, or make a note to pay on 16th May. If you do not register by 2nd May, or do not pay by 23rd May, the cost is $180 ($90 for students).
This year, we’re offering two special one-off workshops: set dancing and bouzouki. They’re held during the afternoon of Queen’s Weekend, and the registration fee is $30. How to sign up for them? If you’re registering for the whole weekend, you can add them on as part of your registration (e.g. just like adding on an…
Ceol Aneas is following advice from NZ Ministry of Health to plan and run this event. New Zealand uses a traffic light system to manage COVID risk. We will need to be at level orange or green for Ceol Aneas to go ahead. Under Orange, there are no limits to indoor or outdoor crowd sizes.…
Wahoo! Yes, we are planning to go ahead, and can now announce the tutor line-up. Registration is now open for early bird discounts – register now, pay later! Covid caveat We are still awaiting a change in level from Red to Orange. If we drop to Orange, we are confident that all Ceol Aneas classes…
We are planning to go ahead with Ceol Aneas 2022, but with some changes and caveats to keep us all safe. The tutors will be from New Zealand. We know from last year that we have excellent local tutors, many of whom you already know. 21st March 2022 is when we will confirm the decision…
What’s happening with Ceol Aneas 2022? Well here’s an update. We’re planning to run Ceol Aneas this year but as with COVID there are a few uncertainties. The committee is discussing and planning the festival around this. We will keep you updated here on our website and on our Facebook page.
Keep updated and follow us on our social media for the weekend for some updates. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.
Registrations are now closed as it’s reached full capacity. You can still get concert tickets and entry to the ceili is cash at the door. Ceili tickets are: $15 Adults, $40 Families, $10 Students (with ID) or 18 & under.
We have closed the fiddle, flute, guitar and banjo/mandolin registrations as it has reached capacity. Registrations for whistle, singing, and free reed are still open.