Ceol Aneas Irish Music Festival Scholarship recipients
2019 Recipients

Ceol Aneas Scholarships

A generous donation provided by the Hugo Charitable Trust allows us to offer a limited number of full and/or tuition-only scholarships to Ceol Aneas.

A full scholarship will provide:

  • Transportation to Nelson (for the recipient and parent/guardian if applicable),
  • Accommodation
  • Tuition for Ceol Aneas Irish Music Festival weekend.

The scholarship is open to New Zealand residents between 16 and 25 who play an instrument taught at Ceol Aneas, and is able to play at a standard that would benefit from the classes at Ceol Aneas.

Young scholarship applicants who are under 18 must be accompanied to Nelson Ceol Aneas by a parent or guardian. The parent/guardian would not need to attend the classes, but would be responsible for their dependent at other times.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the potential of the applicant to derive most benefit from the tuition at a Ceol Aneas but may not otherwise be able to attend for financial reasons.

The final decision is made by the Ceol Aneas committee.

What our recipients say

    "Ceol Aneas has always been a special festival in my heart since my first in 2017. It was the year Colin Farrell and Kevin Crawford played the sessions at lightspeed with such joy and love for the music that it made me want to work hard to have a similar experience at sessions. Even at the concert, I was gobsmacked the entire time, with Ado Barker being another amazing performer to look up to. In 2021, I was awarded the official scholarship where I was able to attend the Whistle Class under Alex Davidson. At the time, there were a lot of fiddle-playing resources in Wellington but an advanced whistle player was a rare sight. Through Ceol Aneas, I could unpack my whistle playing and ornamentation and to compare different instruments with Alex being an incredible teacher. Thanks to these amazing performers, I have grown as a tunes player who looks at tunes and instruments from all angles which I would not have had access to nor afford while I was an unemployed student. Because of the support of Ceol Aneas, the Vicfolk Club, and the Wellington session, I continue to play tunes today."

    "Ceol Aneas 2019 was a wonderful experience. All the team who worked to make Ceol Aneas happen were amazing, they ensured everything ran smoothly and that everyone was doing well. The atmosphere was great, everyone was welcoming and very kind. The workshops gave me a great opportunity to learn more tunes and techniques. The workshops were very well run and I gained a lot more depth and knowledge on how to play the fiddle through these classes. The sessions in the evening were great fun altogether. The tunes flowed and we all had a good laugh and bonded for our love of Irish music. Ceol Aneas was overall one of the best weekends in my life, I would recommend this to anyone who has a love for Irish music, and I hope I will be able to get there again in the future."

    2024. “I’m incredibly grateful to the Ceol Aneas committee for giving me a full scholarship to attend Ceol Aneas Irish Music Festival! I’ve really enjoyed getting to learn more about Irish music, as well as connecting with so many other musicians. The tutors at Ceol Aneas were absolutely amazing, and shared so many helpful insights into Irish fiddling as well as some great tips around how and what to practise. I left Ceol Aneas feeling really inspired, and I can’t wait to use what I’ve learnt to help improve my Irish fiddling. All round it was a fabulous weekend and I’d highly recommend going ☺️”

    This was my first ever Ceol Aneas and I was very excited to have received a scholarship and to take part in the guitar class. I wasn't sure what to expect or what I would get out of the classes but I quickly realised in the first class that I had so much to learn! It was a weekend of valuable teaching and inspiration. Our teacher, John McCarthy, was excellent to work with. His understanding of his instrument, his ear, and his technical skills were so impressive! I felt very inspired to up my game! He taught the group well and did a good job of including people of different skill levels. I'm excited to continue building on what I started learning in those classes. If I can play half as well him one day I'll be pleased! I also loved all the sessions and dancing throughout and met many lovely people who I hope to see again, perhaps at a future Ceol Anaes!

    Ceol Aneas has allowed me to grow as a flute player and develop my style. It was a pleasure to meet fellow wooden flute players who are just as nerdy about Irish tunes as I am! I have gained plenty of new connections and instrumental technique.

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Register for world class Irish music tuition

Early bird ends: 20 Apr 2025
Instrumental classes are designed for intermediate and advanced students.